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Easy Repairing Method for Wet Basement Part Two
Unless you have completed the steps outlined in “part one” you will find that Easy Repairing Method for Wet Basement Part Two will not work! That’s right, part one must be completed, and it must be done before part two. After you have eliminated the source of the problem, though, you are still left with a damaged basement. You won’t be happy with a dry, damaged basement, so once the water has been stopped, it is time to repair the damage.
If the basement hasn’t dried out, ventilate it with blowers / fans. When the walls are dry to touch, scrub them with a stiff wire brush. Remove any dust, loose paint, or other foreign matter. Please take note! Concrete dust, mildew, and mold spores are dangerous. If there is old lead based paint, it is dangerous, as well. Use appropriate breathing protection during this phase! Don’t be tempted to cheat on this step, or you won’t be pleased with the results of our easy repairing method for wet basement, part two.
Although your goal is a dry basement, wash those walls! Even the best paints will not adhere to dusty or dirty walls. Deep clean them, and allow them to become completely dry. Next, find every crack, hole, or other imperfection, and repair them with a good grade of appropriate – paintable – caulking or filler. Sand, scrape, brush, or otherwise smooth the patched / caulked areas. Don’t stop on this process until the wall is smooth to touch and to the eye. This is a crucial detail of our easy repairing method for wet basement, part two.
Now you are ready to paint. Carefully examine the walls. Especially if they are “cinder block”, you may need to apply a good grade of primer or “block filler”. Neglecting this important step may result in your walls absorbing paint “like a sponge”. Believe this – properly preparing the walls will save you time and money. Even though step one has eliminated the leaks, be realistic – it’s a basement! Use a good grade of waterproof paint, and be sure to get full coverage. If you have properly executed step one, this easy repairing method for wet basement, part two will result in a nice basement for years to come.